function sf_filemanager(field_name, url, type, win) { var fmURL = "/wp-content/plugins/simple-forum/editors/tinymce/plugins/filemanager/fm-browse-tab.php"; // script URL - use an absolute path! if (fmURL.indexOf("?") < 0) { //add the type as the only query parameter fmURL = fmURL + "?type=" + type; } else { //add the type as an additional query parameter // (PHP session ID is now included if there is one at all) fmURL = fmURL + "&type=" + type; }{ file : fmURL, title : 'Simple:Press File Manager', width : 790, height : 550, resizable : "yes", scrollbars : "yes", inline : "yes", close_previous : "no" }, { window : win, input : field_name }); return false; }